ARS Training and Consulting Services
ARS Companies provides outside consulting and training services to contractors, equipment manufacturing companies and equipment dealers as well as to several 501(c)3 charities.
ARS’s many years of experience in both road building and concrete projects have enabled ARS to develop consulting services for various equipment manufacturers and constructors. ARS training teams have provided services to various projects and customer needs in many areas of the US as well as international areas. ARS has also provided training for both domestic and international customers at the ARS Headquarters in Denver, Colorado.
ARS is a partner with ConstructNet International, Phoenix, Arizona - a service provider for continuing education to construction-based customers in various geographic locations across the lower 48 states. It is the mission of ConstructNET to bring new candidates into the construction fields as well as to assist in enabling persons of varying degrees of construction experience to train for greater acceptance into the construction arena.
ARS is also a partner with the Danny Dietz Foundation. Danny was a patriot and a US Navy Seal who made the ultimate sacrifice. www.dannydietz.org is a national foundation headquartered in Denver, Colorado. The Danny Dietz Leadership & Training Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization created for the purpose of bettering the community by training and mentoring at risk youth. By holding close core values and discipline modeled by Danny himself, the organization strives to create a safe and private environment in which young people can learn teamwork, leadership skills, and learn to achieve more through intellectual and physical challenges. All of this is aimed at creating more virtuous student athletes, family members, and citizens who will become and/or strive to be leaders in the community. A link to their web site is on the ARS Companies home page. Visit dannydietz.org for more information.